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Services & Solutions

Our Services

We know that in addition to building successful investment portfolios, investment management is the crux of wealth management, and we also believe that financial strategies and estate planning is essential to growing your wealth in accordance with your values and objectives. That’s why we offer unparalleled, comprehensive wealth management services.

Contact us to get started

Retirement Planning

Customized Portfolio

Each portfolio is designed taking into account the profile of risk, markets, costs and any factor that may impact net performance. Manulife Wealth Inc. designs the most efficient portfolios for your goals with full access to all vehicles available on the market.

  • Retirement planning
  • Investment strategy
  • Risk management
  • Estate planning
  • Progress report
  • Building a strategy tailored to your needs

Retirement Planning

  • Analysis of retirement needs and goals
  • Detailed cash flow projections
  • Optimization of disbursement in retirement
  • Establishment of asset disbursement order
  • Determination of cost of desired lifestyle

Learn More

Estate Planning

Insurance Solutions

Risk Management

  • Assets with negative market correlation
  • Portfolio diversification
  • All-weather portfolio
  • Capital conservation in case of a market downturn
  • Low-volatility portfolio

Tax Strategies

  • Tax-efficient investments
  • Income distributions
  • Best investment for account type
  • Intergenerational transfer
  • Reduced tax-induced yield erosion

* Tax minimization strategies comply with the rules set by the CRA and may require the involvement of a chartered accountant.

Tax Strategies

Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Several issues surround the succession and transfer of heritage. Our estate planning services can help you to think effectively about questions of inheritance, tax and ensure a transfer of the patrimony planned.

  • Transfer of family patrimony
  • Family trusts
  • Advanced tax strategies
  • Donations of the living
  • Insurance for generational transfer
  • Retirement planning
  • Charitable donations


From sole proprietorship to SME, our expertise is at your disposal to meet your needs. We offer a wide range of corporate service directly or by reference, and we meet various objectives such as asset protection, tax efficiency, risk management and employee satisfaction.

  • Group plans
  • Tax efficient company accounts
  • RRI / CR / other plans
  • Investments protected from creditors
  • Incorporation
  • Business insurance
  • Pre-investments
  • Business transfer
